Did You Know ...
Tuesday-01-24-2023- @ 19:35
The HOA rules require landscape beds to be mulched and maintained, but why?

Mulch adds beauty, depth, and dimension to any landscape. Rather than leaving soil exposed and bare, try adding mulch to create a beautiful touch to your landscape and spruce up your yard. Mulching adds vibrant colors and manicured look to your garden or softscape bed; thus, adding to its curb appeal. It gives your lawn a finished and refined look by occupying the empty spaces, which also helps in making the maintenance an easier job.

Why should I use mulch?

Proper mulching is an essential component of any Florida-Friendly landscape. Perhaps most importantly, it is the cornerstone of a great weed-control program. Mulch keeps the soil moist longer after irrigation, too. This gives plant roots extra time to soak up water. Mulch also protects plants' roots from extreme temperatures by creating a buffer between the soil and the air.

And mulch isn't just good for your plants; it's good for your soil. Organic mulches can add nutrients to the soil as they decompose. This improves your soil's aeration, structure, drainage, and ability to hold nutrients. Mulch can even help reduce erosion and protect plants from certain diseases.

President’s Report - January 2023
Tuesday-01-24-2023- @ 19:33
Happy New Year to all the owners and residents of Herons Glen. Your HOA Board is starting a new year with the same officers as 2022. Mary Wright is vice president, Edd Huetteman continues as Treasurer, Christine Kozak is secretary, and I am president. As a reminder, our committees and chairs serve a one-year term that coincides with our fiscal year which runs from October 1 through September 30 of the following year, but your board serves for the calendar year.

As you all recognize, we are now in the height of our “season”. Herons Glen, along with the rest of southwest Florida is full. The roads are crowded along with the restaurants, shops, stores and other businesses. It is especially important to use extra care while driving, biking, walking or using our golf carts during season. Please observe the 26mph speed limit on Herons Glen Boulevard and 16mph on side streets, and please stop at all stop signs so we can enjoy a safe season in our community.

Bids have been received to mill and overlay Herons Glen Boulevard. These are being reviewed and the best contractor will be selected shortly.

The Activities Committee is holding an Activities Fair in the Ballroom on Sunday, February 5th; please take this opportunity to explore the various activities available in the Glen, especially if you are a new resident. Also, on Monday, February 13th, the SSEP Committee will host the Firewise event, and the Activities Committee will sponsor bulk shredding.

Rick Romine